Tag: Startups

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Étude: La Malaisie, meilleur pays de l’ASEAN pour les Startups

...Accordingly, the top 10 countries globally in the list are: Hungary Netherlands United Arab Emirates Lithuania Romania Czech Republic Finland Bahrain Estonia Malaysia Malaysia stands......

Expansion de la Zone Franche d’Expo City à Dubai.

Expo City Dubai, adjacent to the upcoming world's largest airport and Dubai Exhibition Centre, is expanding its business ecosystem with ready-to-move-in...

Le système de start-up et de capital-risque en Arabie saoudite a parcouru un long chemin au cours de la dernière décennie.

...when compared to its regional counterpart, the United Arab Emirates, which reached the $1 billion mark only...

Lancement du cinquième Accelerateur de la Route de la Soie à Astana Hub avec Google for Startups, accueillant les startups ouzbèkes.

...$26mn in investments while expanding into various international markets such as the UAE, Türkiye, and the USA. Photo: Silkway Accelerator's fifth stream...


Drones for Power Washing and Graffiti Removal


Contact:  Aquiline Drones; 860.361-7958  Info@aquilinedrones.com   Drones for Power-Washing & Graffiti Removal        – The New Frontier –   (Hartford,...

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Regal Products Announces SecureMe™ by Regal – A Firearm Safety Movement Detection and Notification System


SecureMe Alerts Gun Owners via Smartphone about Unauthorized Firearm Access (Anytime, Anywhere) to Prevent Tragic Accidents and Suicide AttemptsYou can’t...

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Regal Products Announces START™ by Regal – An All-In-One Solution to Equip First Time Gun Owners


First-time gun owners come along every day,” says Shawn Kitchell, CEO of Regal Products. “But they’re typically not aware of...

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The Return of an Icon: Bentley’s Blower Roars Back to Racing


Experience the return of an automotive legend as Bentley’s Blower Continuation Series proves its racing prowess. Discover how this meticulously crafted pre-war revival is making history on the track, combining heritage with cutting-edge engineering.

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